Beyond Ex-Gay

Ex-Gay Survivor Conference

University of California at Irvine 

Schedule of Events

Friday, June 29, 2007

4:00 pm Pre-conference book-signing (Free & Open to the Public)

UCC Congregational Church 

6:00 pm Early registration and check-in

7:00 pm Evening Entertainment

Music by Jallen Rix and performance of Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House--How I Survived the Ex-Gay Movement by Peterson Toscano. Crystal Cove Auditorium--Student Center (Free & open to the Public) 

Saturday, June 30, 2007

8:00 am  Registration and check-in (and coffee!)

9:00 am Welcome

Pat Walsh and Jeff Lutes, MS, LPC

9:15-10:30 am Chalk Talk: Reflections on the Ex-Gay Experience

Peterson Toscano and Jallen Rix, Ed.D.

10:30-10:45 am Break

10:45-12:00 pm Morning concurrent workshops

Workshop 1: From the Chat Room to the Talk Show: Precessing and Sharing our Stories

Peterson Toscano and Christine Bakke

Workshop 2: What the Bible Says and Doesn't Say About Homosexuality

Rev. Nancy Wilson and Rev. Dr. Mel White

Workshop 3: Ex-Gay 101

Jim Burroway

12:00-2:00 pm Lunch break annd community building (Art Room and Exhibition Hall open)

1:00 pm--A reading by Regan DuCasse and a team of actors from her play Shepard/Till---The American Verses is also available as an optional activity

2:00-3:15 pm Afternoon concurrent workshops

Workshop 1: Impacting the Media: Successful Strategies for Sharing Your Story with Confidence

Paige Schilt, Ph.D. and Jason Cianciotto

Workshop 2: Building Healthy Relationships after an Ex-Gay Experience

Jeff Lutes, MS, LPC and Darlene Bogle

Workshop 3: Becomeing a Powerful Ally

Rev. Phil Lawson and Alyssa Harad, Ph.D.

3:15-3:30 pm Break

3:30-4:45 pm Telling our stories creatively: stations for writing, blogging, video recording, art and more!

4:45-5:00 pm Setting Our Intentions

5:00-7:00 pm Dinner break and community building

7:00 pm Conference gala and closing festivities!

Featuring music by Jason and deMarco and a film forum. Clips shown are from: God and Gays, For Such a Time as This, This is What Love in Action Looks Like, Fish Can't Fly and Me and God. Crystal Cove Auditorium--Student Center (Free and Open to the Public)

Sunday July 1, 2007

Morning Optional worship at a welcoming and affirming church of your choice. Irvine United Congregational Church or Christ Chapel MCC

10:00-10:45 Alternative to worship: grounding, centering and silent prayer/meditation

11:00 am-12:00 pm Discussion group for those who wish to talk about alternative or post-Christian spirituality

2:30-3:30 pm Optional workshops

Workshop 1: Courting Justice: Ex-Gays and the Law

Wayne Besen, Jody Marksamer, Stefan Johnson, and Cara Borelli

Workshop 2: Mental Health Professionals Round Table: Best Practices from the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference

Robert-Jay Green, PhD, Jallen Rix, EdD, David Hart, MFT, Alex Hart, LMFT, Corby White LMFT