400 Ex-Gay Survivors Document Harm of Reparative Therapy
See survey results press release
See original press release announcing the survey:
"Online Survey Launched to Spotlight the Damage of Reparative 'Therapy' and Ex-Gay Ministries."
Take our survey
We've all heard the declarations that "thousands and thousands of people have been healed of their homosexuality." Where do those numbers come from? At Beyond Ex-Gay (bXg) we know firsthand that the thousands who have attended ex-gay groups never "changed." Worse yet, our ex-gay experiences caused us tremendous harm. So to counter the rhetoric, we have created a new survey specifically for ex-gay survivors.
It's short, and you can stay as anonymous as you'd like. If you can't find answers that fit your experience, we provide plenty of empty boxes for you to express yourself as accurately as possible. Your willingness to be counted will ultimately stand in stark contrast to the misinformation that ex-gay promoters use to convince people that "change is possible" and harmless to pursue.
Please take the survey! or read a bit more about it here.